Winter Home Maintenance

We are just past the holiday season, so it’s a perfect time to take a look at your home. Considering it is one of the biggest investments you have ever made, it’s important to do routine checks on different areas of your home and maintain it's interior workings. 

This Winter, you should try to: 

VACUUM REFRIGERATOR COILS: This will save you money on utilities as this cuts down on the amount of power being used. 

CHECK WEATHER STRIPPING: Some people do this in Fall just before Winter strikes, but since our Winter comes a bit later in the year, it's fine to push it back to just before Spring/Summer. Weather stripping helps to not only keep the cold out, but helps keep the heat out too. It will take no longer than a couple hours to replace any strips that need it. 

TEST TOILETS FOR LEAKS: You can do this using food colouring! Place a few drops in the water tank before bed and if in the morning you see coloured water in the bowl, you need to replace your flush valve seal. This is an easy way to prevent high water bills.
INSPECT WATER HEATER: You should flush out your water heater once a year to prevent sediment build-up. This will make it last longer and prevent possible leakage. 

TIME TO DEEP CLEAN: Most people wait for Spring to do this, but if you're trapped indoors anyways due to the cold weather and rain, Winter is the perfect time! Mops all your floors, clean the oven and fridge, dust everywhere, wash curtains and rugs. Not only will this give items longevity, it will be a more enjoyable to live in. 

Try to do one or two activities a month. Don't overwork yourself, but build this into your schedule. In Spring we will post another list of activities, and will post for each season of the year. 

Give us some suggestions on what you include on your Winter checklist!